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Monday, December 10, 2018

My natural 100% Bio Hair care routine

December 10, 2018 30 Comments

My natural 100% Bio Hair care routine :

Hi GlamFoodies πŸ’
In this post , I'm sharing with you this hair care routine that I've been trying for couple of months now, and I've been using only Bio products .

So if you want to figure out my hair care routine , keep on reading 😍

And these are the products that I use πŸ’–

First I start with oiling my hair :

After brushing and detangling my hair , I apply this hair care serum on the whole length of my hair (1.5 inches away from the scalp) including my hair ends  , and it icontains a mixture of amazing hair oils : coconut oil ,  Moroccan Argan oil , Jojoba oil and sweet almond oil .

And for my scalp , I apply this amazing anti-hair fall Oil That stimulates blood flow and it contains : Olive oil , Black seed oil , Cade oil and rosemary oil  . 
I massage it on my hair for 5mn to 10mn ( you can use the inversion method for better results )

Afterwards , I wrap my hair in a shower cap that helps providing heat to open your hair pores , to guarantee you will get the most benefits of the oils .

After 2h I jump into the shower .

Shower Time :

Before , I used to apply the hair conditioner first on my end before using the Shampoo .
But since I found this amazing Bio shampoo that is not only parabens and sulfate free , but also based on Argan oil.

Your scalp really feels clean and refreshed after using it , and it also helped me to get rid of my build up oils and my dandruff .

After cleaning my hair , I use this hair conditioner on my ends and leave it for 7mn , then I wash my hair with cold water to close the pores , and I wrap my hair in a towel [ preferably a cotton towel ]

and finally , I let my hair air dry normally , but if I'm in a rush I style my hair as usual .

Thank you guys so much for reading πŸ’“ 

You can find all the products that I use in Oleic Bio instagram page .

πŸ’₯Disclaimer : This post is not sponsored in any way , I'm sharing with you my personal thoughts of these products that I've purchased with my own money πŸ’—   

I hope you guys will like my post and if you have any further questions , do't hesitate to ask me.
I will be more than happy to answer you πŸ’•

See you in my next post πŸ˜˜πŸ’–

Saturday, December 1, 2018

My New Year Wish List

December 01, 2018 1 Comments

Hi Besties ♡,The new year is coming and I wanted to share with you the products that I would love to have for 2019.So keep on scrolling to find out .

Dyson hair dryer :

This hair dryer is amazing,it got a huge hype when it came out 2 years ago,yet it still the best hair dryer in the opinion of every hair blogger,And I really wish that I could lay my hand on it and try it for my self 😍.

Canon EOS Rebel SL2 :

I've heard a lot about this camera's features and how it is beginners Friendly,And I'm really eager to get one, it is a compact DSLR with a large sensor (24MP APS-C) and interchangeable lenses,and the best thing is a very fast dual pixel live view auto-focusing system,not to mention that it has also Bluetooth and Wifi connectivity . 

YSL Tatouage Couture Lip Stain :

I would really love to have this amazing lipstick,let's forget the fact that it's a high end lipstick (worth...) But it's formula is amazing,it's non drying unlike the majority of matte lipsticks,plus it is crazy long lasting and gives an intense color .But,I really can't decide between two shades : 01 and 02.

SK-II Pitera Essence Set :

This set is claiming to be perfect for oily to combination skin,plus it hydrates while providing light exfoliation;which is perfect for my sensitive skin,it helps refining the skin and evening the skin tone,So I'm really eager to try it for my self.

How To Cake It Cakebook :

And finally,What's better than starting the new year with the cake Queen's cake book 😍.This cake book is going to take your baking skills to next level,I'm really hoping that I can lay my hands on a copy for this new year I would be the happiest person in the world if I get to experience her all skill levels cakes recipes .

Thank you so much guys for making it so far hhhhhh ❤

Ps: You can shop my wish list from the links bellow πŸ’—
{Disclaimer : This post is not sponsored,however;some links are affiliated which means I will get small commission if you buy from one of them.Thank you for your support πŸ’“} 
